Stephen Finnegan

Welcome to My Corner of the Internet

Hello there, fellow explorer of the digital realm!

If you've stumbled upon this little nook of the internet, I'm glad you're here. Welcome to my blog – a space dedicated to writing, creativity, and the exploration of innovative ideas.

Who Am I?

I'm a 40-year-old writer who's been putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) for most of my adult life. Until now, my words have found homes in notebooks, logbooks, and diaries scattered around my home. But today marks a new chapter: my first foray into blogging.

You won't find me on social media – this blog is my chosen platform to connect with the world. It's my digital home, crafted with care and inspired by the minimalist websites of the 1990s.

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Speaking of the '90s, I grew up during the exciting era of Web 1.0. Remember those days? The satisfying crackle of dial-up modems, the thrill of discovering a new website, and the charm of simple, text-based designs. Those early internet experiences left an indelible mark on me, shaping my aesthetic preferences and my approach to online spaces.

This blog is my homage to that era – a deliberate step back from the cluttered, algorithm-driven platforms of today. Here, we're stripping things down to the essentials: words, ideas, and human connection.

What to Expect

In this space, we'll dive deep into the world of writing. We'll explore the nooks and crannies of the creative process, unraveling its mysteries and celebrating its joys. And because creativity rarely exists in a vacuum, we'll also venture into the realm of innovative ideas across various fields.

Expect musings on:

An Invitation

This blog is more than just a platform for my thoughts – it's an invitation to conversation. If something you read here resonates with you, challenges you, or sparks an idea, I'd love to hear about it. Leave a comment, send an email, or if you're feeling really old-school, maybe we can revive the art of letter-writing!

To those of you who, like me, miss the days when the internet felt a bit smaller and a lot more personal: welcome home. To those experiencing this style of blog for the first time: welcome to a little piece of internet history.

So, pull up a chair (or whatever you're sitting on in your corner of the world), grab your beverage of choice, and let's embark on this journey of words, ideas, and creativity together.

Here's to new beginnings, old inspirations, and the timeless art of human connection through words.

Until next time, happy reading and creating!


#Creative Exploration #Digital Nostalgia #Writing Life